Thursday, March 8, 2012

Pasig City

A few months ago, the city of Pasig started to abandon the use of plastics in commercial establishments. At least, that what they said. At least, that's what a DJ from Pasig said. At least, that's what the girl at the the counter of Ministop said while handing me the sweets I bought inside a paper bag.

A few months ago, the city of Pasig is beefing up it's campaign against traffic violators. At least, that's what they said. At least, that's what the traffic enforcers (?) mean when they hunt down colorum tricycles along the narrow streets of Countryside Ave. going to the smaller hump-and-hole-wrecked streets of our village. At least, that's what traffic enforcers mean when they hunt down motorcycle riders without helmets, licenses or LTO registration papers. At least, that's what the traffic enforcer watching jeepneys fly in ecstasy along Ortigas Extension at three in the morning mean.

(A few centuries ago, one can smell the breeze along Pasig river..few centuries later, people run to bring that long lost breeze back.)

And at least, few months to go before the elections start in the city of Pasig!

A few moments later I shall sleep and a few F-U's for you who stole my jumping sheep.

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